Cricket/config cgpro
From AdminWiki
The Default file
# set ts=4 # # CommuniGate Pro Defaults # a mirror of the mrtg file # by Clemens Schwaighofer, 2005/05/10 # 2005/05/30 (cs) added stats (avg,max, etc) to each graph # 2005/05/26 (cs) added different (1min) rrd file definitions # 2005/05/17 (cs) added more description # 2005/05/10 ~ 2005/05/16 (cs) write all OID, Type definitions, test # we define totaly different heartbeats for our rrd # one point per 1 minutes, spanning 6h, rra 1minAve AVERAGE:0:1:360 # one point per 5 minutes, spanning 50 hours rra 5minAve AVERAGE:0.5:5:600 # one point per 30 minutes, spanning 12 days rra 30minAve AVERAGE:0.5:30:600 # get max for 1 hr rra 1hrMax MAX:0.5:60:600 # one point every 2 hours, spanning 50 days rra 2hrAve AVERAGE:0.5:120:600 rra 2hrMax MAX:0.5:120:600 # one point every day, spanning 600 days rra 1dayAve AVERAGE:0.5:1440:600 rra 1dayMax MAX:0.5:1440:600 # we will add datasources to each specific target-type later targetType --default-- rra = "1minAve, 5minAve, 30minAve, 1hrMax, 2hrAve, 2hrMax, 1dayAve, 1dayMax" # default targt definitions Target --default-- server = "" community = "" snmp-host = %server% snmp-community = %community% #snmp = %snmp-community%@%snmp-host%:%snmp-port%:%snmp-timeout%:%snmp-retries%:%snmp-backoff%:%snmp-version% snmp = %snmp-community%@%snmp-host%:%snmp-port% display-name = "%auto-target-name% on %server%" directory-desc = "Communigate Pro Mail Server Monitoring" min-size = 0 max-size = 1250000 target-type = undef # we do polling every minute (60 seconds) rrd-poll-interval = 60 OID smtpInputActive OID smtpInputTotal OID smtpInputJobs OID smtpInputTrafficIn OID smtpInputTrafficOut OID smtpInputMessagesReceived OID smtpInputMessageBytesReceived OID smtpInputRecipientsAccepted OID smtpInputRecipientsRejected OID smtpInputReturnPathsRejected OID smtpInputDataCommandsRejected OID smtpInputMessageBodiesRejected OID smtpInputAuthenticationsAccepted OID smtpInputAuthenticationsRejected OID smtpOutputActive OID smtpOutputTotal OID smtpOutputJobs OID smtpOutputActiveHosts OID smtpOutputWaitingHosts OID smtpOutputTrafficIn OID smtpOutputTrafficOut OID smtpOutputMessagesSent OID smtpOutputMessageBytesSent OID smtpOutputRecipientsSent OID smtpOutputConnectionsMade OID smtpOutputConnectionsFailed OID smtpOutputRecipientsRejected OID smtpOutputReturnPathsRejected OID smtpOutputDataCommandsRejected OID smtpOutputMessageBodiesRejected OID popInputActive OID popInputTotal OID popInputJobs OID popTotalRetrievedMessages OID popTotalToppedMessages OID popTotalDeletedMessages OID popTotalSubmittedMessages OID popTotalRetrievedBytes OID imapInputActive OID imapInputTotal OID imapInputJobs OID imapMAPIActive OID imapTrafficIn OID imapTrafficOut OID imapTotalSelectedMailboxes OID imapTotalStatusMailboxes OID imapTotalFetchedMessages OID imapTotalStoredMessages OID imapTotalDeletedMessages OID imapTotalAppendedMessages OID imapTotalCopiedMessages OID imapTotalParsedMessages OID httpActiveAdmin OID httpActiveUser OID httpTotalAdmin OID httpTotalUser OID httpAdminJobs OID httpUserJobs OID httpTrafficIn OID httpTrafficOut OID httpRequestsProcessed OID httpAuthSucceeded OID httpAuthFailed OID httpCGIRequestsProcessed OID httpRequestBytes OID httpResponseBytes OID localDeliveryActive OID localDeliveryDeliveredMessages OID localDeliveryFailedMessages OID localDeliveryDeliveredBytes OID ftpInputActive OID ftpInputTotal OID ftpInputJobs OID ftpTrafficIn OID ftpTrafficOut OID ftpTotalRetrievedFiles OID ftpTotalUploadedFiles OID ftpTotalDeletedFiles OID ftpTotalRenamedFiles OID ftpTotalRetrievedBytes OID ftpTotalUploadedBytes OID rpopActive OID rpopTotal OID rpopJobs OID rpopTrafficIn OID rpopTrafficOut OID rpopMessagesRetrieved OID rpopMessageBytesRetrieved OID rpopFailedConnections OID rpopFailedLogins OID rpopFailedSessions OID ldapInputActive OID ldapInputTotal OID ldapInputJobs OID ldapTrafficIn OID ldapTrafficOut OID numQueuedMessages OID numOpenedMessages OID totalSubmittedMessages OID totalBadMessages OID totalDeletedMessages OID numEnqueuerMessages OID numDequeuerBatches OID numDequeuerActiveProcessors OID totalFailedRecipients OID totalRelayedRecipients OID totalDeliveredRecipients OID totalDelayedRecipients OID totalErrorReports OID totalDeliveryReports OID totalWarningReports OID webUserSessionsOpen OID webUserSessionsProcessed OID webUserRequestsProcessed OID webUserSessionsTimeouted OID wsspPagesComposed OID webMailRead OID webMailComposed OID numInactiveTLSSessions OID numActiveTLSSessions OID numActiveTLSConnections OID processedTLSSessions OID successfulAUTHs OID failedAUTHs OID secureAUTHs OID OSbasedAUTHs OID externalAUTHs OID rejectedOnFailureAUTHs OID rejectedOnMethodAUTHs OID lockerCommandsPending OID lockerCommandsTotal OID lockerLOCKCommandsTotal OID lockerUNLOCKCommandsTotal OID lockerFINDCommandsTotal OID lockerPATHCommandsTotal OID controllerCommandsTotal OID controllerLOCKCommandsTotal OID controllerUNLOCKCommandsTotal OID controllerFINDCommandsTotal OID controllerPATHCommandsTotal OID proxySentToLANudpBytes OID proxySentToWANudpBytes OID proxySentToLANudpPackets OID proxySentToWANudpPackets OID proxySentToLANtcpBytes OID proxySentToWANtcpBytes OID proxyConnectionsToLAN OID proxyConnectionsToWAN OID sipTrafficIn OID sipPacketsIn OID sipTrafficOut OID sipPacketsOut OID sipUDPTrafficIn OID sipUDPPacketsIn OID sipUDPTrafficOut OID sipUDPPacketsOut OID sipTCPTrafficIn OID sipTCPPacketsIn OID sipTCPTrafficOut OID sipTCPPacketsOut OID sipActiveServers OID sipTotalServers OID sipActiveServerEvents OID sipTotalServerEvents OID sipActiveClients OID sipTotalClients OID sipActiveClientEvents OID sipTotalClientEvents ### DATASOURCES datasource smtpInputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpInputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputTotal rd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpInputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputMessagesReceived ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputMessagesReceived rrd-ds-type = COUNTER desc = "Messages Received by the CommuniGate Pro Host. Data is viewed in Messages per Minute" rrd-max = 5000 datasource smtpInputMessageBytesReceived ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputMessageBytesReceived rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputRecipientsAccepted ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputRecipientsAccepted rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputRecipientsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputRecipientsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputReturnPathsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputReturnPathsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputDataCommandsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputDataCommandsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputMessageBodiesRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputMessageBodiesRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputAuthenticationsAccepted ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputAuthenticationsAccepted rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpInputAuthenticationsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpInputAuthenticationsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpOutputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpOutputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputActiveHosts ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputActiveHosts rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpOutputWaitingHosts ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputWaitingHosts rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource smtpOutputTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputMessagesSent ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputMessagesSent rrd-ds-type = COUNTER desc = "Messages Sent by the CommuniGate Pro Host. Data is viewed in Messages per Minute" datasource smtpOutputMessageBytesSent ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputMessageBytesSent rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputRecipientsSent ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputRecipientsSent rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputConnectionsMade ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputConnectionsMade rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputConnectionsFailed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputConnectionsFailed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputRecipientsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputRecipientsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputReturnPathsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputReturnPathsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputDataCommandsRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputDataCommandsRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource smtpOutputMessageBodiesRejected ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/smtpOutputMessageBodiesRejected rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popInputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popInputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource popInputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popInputTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource popInputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popInputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popTotalRetrievedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popTotalRetrievedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popTotalToppedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popTotalToppedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popTotalDeletedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popTotalDeletedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popTotalSubmittedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popTotalSubmittedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource popTotalRetrievedBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/popTotalRetrievedBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapInputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapInputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource imapInputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapInputTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource imapInputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapInputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapMAPIActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapMAPIActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource imapTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalSelectedMailboxes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalSelectedMailboxes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalStatusMailboxes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalStatusMailboxes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalFetchedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalFetchedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalStoredMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalStoredMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalDeletedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalDeletedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalAppendedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalAppendedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalCopiedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalCopiedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource imapTotalParsedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/imapTotalParsedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpActiveAdmin ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpActiveAdmin rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource httpActiveUser ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpActiveUser rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource httpTotalAdmin ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpTotalAdmin rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource httpTotalUser ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpTotalUser rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource httpAdminJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpAdminJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpUserJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpUserJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpRequestsProcessed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpRequestsProcessed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpAuthSucceeded ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpAuthSucceeded rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpAuthFailed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpAuthFailed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpCGIRequestsProcessed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpCGIRequestsProcessed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpRequestBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpRequestBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource httpResponseBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/httpResponseBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource localDeliveryActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/localDeliveryActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource localDeliveryDeliveredMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/localDeliveryDeliveredMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource localDeliveryFailedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/localDeliveryFailedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource localDeliveryDeliveredBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/localDeliveryDeliveredBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpInputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpInputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource ftpInputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpInputTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource ftpInputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpInputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalRetrievedFiles ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalRetrievedFiles rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalUploadedFiles ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalUploadedFiles rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalDeletedFiles ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalDeletedFiles rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalRenamedFiles ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalRenamedFiles rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalRetrievedBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalRetrievedBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ftpTotalUploadedBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ftpTotalUploadedBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource rpopTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource rpopJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopMessagesRetrieved ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopMessagesRetrieved rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopMessageBytesRetrieved ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopMessageBytesRetrieved rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopFailedConnections ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopFailedConnections rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopFailedLogins ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopFailedLogins rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rpopFailedSessions ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rpopFailedSessions rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ldapInputActive ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ldapInputActive rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource ldapInputTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ldapInputTotal rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource ldapInputJobs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ldapInputJobs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ldapTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ldapTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource ldapTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/ldapTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource numQueuedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numQueuedMessages rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource numOpenedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numOpenedMessages rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource totalSubmittedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalSubmittedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER rrd-max = 5000 datasource totalBadMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalBadMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalDeletedMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalDeletedMessages rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource numEnqueuerMessages ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numEnqueuerMessages rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource numDequeuerBatches ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numDequeuerBatches rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource numDequeuerActiveProcessors ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numDequeuerActiveProcessors rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource totalFailedRecipients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalFailedRecipients rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalRelayedRecipients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalRelayedRecipients rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalDeliveredRecipients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalDeliveredRecipients rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalDelayedRecipients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalDelayedRecipients rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalErrorReports ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalErrorReports rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalDeliveryReports ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalDeliveryReports rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource totalWarningReports ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/totalWarningReports rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource webUserSessionsOpen ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webUserSessionsOpen rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource webUserSessionsProcessed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webUserSessionsProcessed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource webUserRequestsProcessed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webUserRequestsProcessed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource webUserSessionsTimeouted ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webUserSessionsTimeouted rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource wsspPagesComposed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/wsspPagesComposed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource webMailRead ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webMailRead rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource webMailComposed ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/webMailComposed rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource numInactiveTLSSessions ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numInactiveTLSSessions rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource numActiveTLSSessions ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numActiveTLSSessions rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource numActiveTLSConnections ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/numActiveTLSConnections rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource processedTLSSessions ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/processedTLSSessions rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource successfulAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/successfulAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource failedAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/failedAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource secureAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/secureAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource OSbasedAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/OSbasedAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource externalAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/externalAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rejectedOnFailureAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rejectedOnFailureAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource rejectedOnMethodAUTHs ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/rejectedOnMethodAUTHs rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource lockerCommandsPending ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerCommandsPending rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource lockerCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource lockerLOCKCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerLOCKCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource lockerUNLOCKCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerUNLOCKCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource lockerFINDCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerFINDCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource lockerPATHCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/lockerPATHCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource controllerCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/controllerCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource controllerLOCKCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/controllerLOCKCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource controllerUNLOCKCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/controllerUNLOCKCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource controllerFINDCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/controllerFINDCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource controllerPATHCommandsTotal ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/controllerPATHCommandsTotal rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToLANudpBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToLANudpBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToWANudpBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToWANudpBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToLANudpPackets ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToLANudpPackets rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToWANudpPackets ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToWANudpPackets rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToLANtcpBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToLANtcpBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxySentToWANtcpBytes ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxySentToWANtcpBytes rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxyConnectionsToLAN ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxyConnectionsToLAN rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource proxyConnectionsToWAN ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/proxyConnectionsToWAN rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipPacketsIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipPacketsIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipPacketsOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipPacketsOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipUDPTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipUDPTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipUDPPacketsIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipUDPPacketsIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipUDPTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipUDPTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipUDPPacketsOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipUDPPacketsOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTCPTrafficIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTCPTrafficIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTCPPacketsIn ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTCPPacketsIn rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTCPTrafficOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTCPTrafficOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipTCPPacketsOut ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTCPPacketsOut rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipActiveServers ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipActiveServers rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource sipTotalServers ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTotalServers rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipActiveServerEvents ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipActiveServerEvents rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource sipTotalServerEvents ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTotalServerEvents rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipActiveClients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipActiveClients rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource sipTotalClients ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTotalClients rrd-ds-type = COUNTER datasource sipActiveClientEvents ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipActiveClientEvents rrd-ds-type = GAUGE datasource sipTotalClientEvents ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/sipTotalClientEvents rrd-ds-type = COUNTER # target type definitions targetType SMTPTraffic ds = "smtpInputMessagesReceived, smtpOutputMessagesSent, smtpInputMessageBytesReceived, smtpOutputMessageBytesSent, smtpInputTotal, smtpInputActive, smtpOutputTotal, smtpOutputActive, smtpInputJobs, smtpOutputJobs, smtpInputTrafficIn, smtpInputTrafficOut, smtpInputRecipientsAccepted, smtpInputRecipientsRejected, smtpInputReturnPathsRejected, smtpInputDataCommandsRejected, smtpInputMessageBodiesRejected, smtpInputAuthenticationsAccepted, smtpInputAuthenticationsRejected, smtpOutputActiveHosts, smtpOutputWaitingHosts, smtpOutputTrafficIn, smtpOutputTrafficOut, smtpOutputRecipientsSent, smtpOutputConnectionsMade, smtpOutputConnectionsFailed, smtpOutputRecipientsRejected, smtpOutputReturnPathsRejected, smtpOutputDataCommandsRejected, smtpOutputMessageBodiesRejected" view = "SMTPMessages: smtpInputMessagesReceived smtpOutputMessagesSent, SMTPBytes: smtpInputMessageBytesReceived smtpOutputMessageBytesSent, SMTPInput: smtpInputActive smtpInputTotal smtpOutputTotal smtpOutputActive, SMTPJob: smtpInputJobs smtpOutputJobs, SMTPHosts: smtpOutputWaitingHosts smtpOutputActiveHosts" targetType POPTraffic ds = "popInputActive, popInputTotal, popInputJobs, popTotalRetrievedMessages, popTotalToppedMessages, popTotalDeletedMessages, popTotalSubmittedMessages, popTotalRetrievedBytes" view = "POPMessages: popTotalRetrievedMessages, POPBytes: popTotalRetrievedBytes, POPInput: popInputTotal popInputActive" targetType IMAPTraffic ds = "imapInputActive, imapInputTotal, imapInputJobs, imapMAPIActive, imapTrafficIn, imapTrafficOut, imapTotalSelectedMailboxes, imapTotalStatusMailboxes, imapTotalFetchedMessages, imapTotalStoredMessages, imapTotalDeletedMessages, imapTotalAppendedMessages, imapTotalCopiedMessages, imapTotalParsedMessages" view = "IMAPInput: imapInputTotal imapInputActive, MAPIInput: imapMAPIActive, IMAPJobs: imapInputJobs, IMAPTraffic: imapTrafficOut imapTrafficIn, IMAPMailboxes: imapTotalSelectedMailboxes imapTotalStatusMailboxes, IMAPMessages: imapTotalStoredMessages imapTotalParsedMessages imapTotalAppendedMessages imapTotalFetchedMessages imapTotalDeletedMessages imapTotalCopiedMessages, IMAPDownloaded: imapTotalFetchedMessages" targetType HTTPTraffic ds = "httpActiveAdmin, httpActiveUser, httpTotalAdmin, httpTotalUser, httpAdminJobs, httpUserJobs, httpTrafficIn, httpTrafficOut, httpRequestsProcessed, httpAuthSucceeded, httpAuthFailed, httpCGIRequestsProcessed, httpRequestBytes, httpResponseBytes" view = "HTTPAdmin: httpTotalAdmin httpActiveAdmin, HTTPUser: httpTotalUser httpActiveUser, HTTPAdminJobs: httpAdminJobs, HTTPUserJobs: httpUserJobs, HTTPTraffic: httpTrafficOut httpTrafficIn, HTTPRequests: httpRequestsProcessed, HTTPAuth: httpAuthSucceeded httpAuthFailed, HTTPData: httpResponseBytes httpRequestBytes" targetType LocalDelivery ds = "localDeliveryActive, localDeliveryDeliveredMessages, localDeliveryFailedMessages, localDeliveryDeliveredBytes" view = "LocalMessages: localDeliveryDeliveredMessages localDeliveryFailedMessages, LocalBytes: localDeliveryDeliveredBytes, LocalActive: localDeliveryActive" targetType FTPTraffic ds = "ftpInputActive, ftpInputTotal, ftpInputJobs, ftpTrafficIn, ftpTrafficOut, ftpTotalRetrievedFiles, ftpTotalUploadedFiles, ftpTotalDeletedFiles, ftpTotalRenamedFiles, ftpTotalRetrievedBytes, ftpTotalUploadedBytes" targetType RPOPTraffic ds = "rpopActive, rpopTotal, rpopJobs, rpopTrafficIn, rpopTrafficOut, rpopMessagesRetrieved, rpopMessageBytesRetrieved, rpopFailedConnections, rpopFailedLogins, rpopFailedSessions" targetType LDAPTraffic ds = "ldapInputActive, ldapInputTotal, ldapInputJobs, ldapTrafficIn, ldapTrafficOut" view = "Traffic: ldapTrafficOut ldapTrafficIn, Jobs: ldapInputJobs ldapInputTotal ldapInputActive" targetType MessagesTraffic ds = "numQueuedMessages, numOpenedMessages, totalSubmittedMessages, totalBadMessages, totalDeletedMessages, numEnqueuerMessages, numDequeuerBatches, numDequeuerActiveProcessors" view = "QueuedMessages: numQueuedMessages, SubmittedMessages: totalSubmittedMessages totalDeletedMessages totalBadMessages, Enqueuer: numEnqueuerMessages numDequeuerBatches numDequeuerActiveProcessors" targetType TotalTraffic ds = "totalFailedRecipients, totalRelayedRecipients, totalDeliveredRecipients, totalDelayedRecipients, totalErrorReports, totalDeliveryReports, totalWarningReports" view = "Recipients: totalDeliveredRecipients totalRelayedRecipients totalFailedRecipients totalDelayedRecipients, Reports: totalErrorReports totalWarningReports totalDeliveryReports" targetType WebUserTraffic ds = "webUserSessionsOpen, webUserSessionsProcessed, webUserRequestsProcessed, webUserSessionsTimeouted, wsspPagesComposed, webMailRead, webMailComposed" view = "Sessions: webUserSessionsOpen webUserSessionsProcessed webUserSessionsTimeouted, Requests: webUserRequestsProcessed, WsspPages: wsspPagesComposed, WebMails: webMailRead webMailComposed" targetType TLSTraffic ds = "numInactiveTLSSessions, numActiveTLSSessions, numActiveTLSConnections, processedTLSSessions" view = "Sessions: numActiveTLSSessions numInactiveTLSSessions numActiveTLSConnections, Processed: processedTLSSessions" targetType AUTHTraffic ds = "successfulAUTHs, failedAUTHs, secureAUTHs, OSbasedAUTHs, externalAUTHs, rejectedOnFailureAUTHs, rejectedOnMethodAUTHs" view = "AUTHTraff: successfulAUTHs failedAUTHs rejectedOnFailureAUTHs" targetType LockerTraffic ds = "lockerCommandsPending, lockerCommandsTotal, lockerLOCKCommandsTotal, lockerUNLOCKCommandsTotal, lockerFINDCommandsTotal, lockerPATHCommandsTotal" targetType ControllerTraffic ds = "controllerCommandsTotal, controllerLOCKCommandsTotal, controllerUNLOCKCommandsTotal, controllerFINDCommandsTotal, controllerPATHCommandsTotal" targetType ProxyTraffic ds = "proxySentToLANudpBytes, proxySentToWANudpBytes, proxySentToLANudpPackets, proxySentToWANudpPackets, proxySentToLANtcpBytes, proxySentToWANtcpBytes, proxyConnectionsToLAN, proxyConnectionsToWAN" targetType SIPTraffic ds = "sipTrafficIn, sipPacketsIn, sipTrafficOut, sipPacketsOut, sipUDPTrafficIn, sipUDPPacketsIn, sipUDPTrafficOut, sipUDPPacketsOut, sipTCPTrafficIn, sipTCPPacketsIn, sipTCPTrafficOut, sipTCPPacketsOut, sipActiveServers, sipTotalServers, sipActiveServerEvents, sipTotalServerEvents, sipActiveClients, sipTotalClients, sipActiveClientEvents, sipTotalClientEvents" view --default-- paint-nan = TRUE # SMTP #view SMTPMessages # elements = "smtpInputMessagesReceived smtpOutputMessagesSent" #view SMTPBytes # elements = "smtpInputMessageBytesReceived smtpOutputMessageBytesSent" #view SMTPInput" # elements = "smtpInputActive smtpInputTotal smtpOutputTotal smtpOutputActive" #view SMTPJob # elements = "smtpInputJobs smtpOutputJobs" #view SMTPHosts # elements = "smtpOutputWaitingHosts smtpOutputActiveHosts" # POP #view POPMessages # elements = "popTotalRetrievedMessages" #view POPBytes # elements = "popTotalRetrievedBytes" #view POPInput # elements = "popInputTotal popInputActive" # IMAP #view IMAPInput # elements = "imapInputTotal imapInputActive" #view MAPIInput # elements = "imapMAPIActive" #view IMAPJobs # elements = "imapInputJobs" #view IMAPTraffic # elements = "imapTrafficOut imapTrafficIn" #view IMAPMailboxes # elements = "imapTotalSelectedMailboxes imapTotalStatusMailboxes" #view IMAPMessages # elements = "imapTotalStoredMessages imapTotalParsedMessages imapTotalAppendedMessages imapTotalFetchedMessages imapTotalDeletedMessages imapTotalCopiedMessages" #view IMAPDownloaded # elements = "imapTotalFetchedMessages" # HTTP #view HTTPAdmin # elements = "httpTotalAdmin httpActiveAdmin" #view HTTPUser # elements = "httpTotalUser httpActiveUser" #view HTTPAdminJobs # elements = "httpAdminJobs" #view HTTPUserJobs # elements = "httpUserJobs" #view HTTPTraffic # elements = "httpTrafficOut httpTrafficIn" #view HTTPRequests # elements = "httpRequestsProcessed" #view HTTPAuth # elements = "httpAuthSucceeded httpAuthFailed" #view HTTPData # elements = "httpResponseBytes httpRequestBytes" # Local Delivery #view LocalMessages # elements = "localDeliveryDeliveredMessages localDeliveryFailedMessages" #view LocalBytes # elements = "localDeliveryDeliveredBytes" #view LocalActive # elements = "localDeliveryActive" # LDAP #view Traffic # elements = "ldapTrafficOut ldapTrafficIn" #view Jobs # elements = "ldapInputJobs ldapInputTotal ldapInputActive" # Messages Traffic #view QueuedMessages # elements = "numQueuedMessages" #view SubmittedMessages # elements = "totalSubmittedMessages totalDeletedMessages totalBadMessages" # y-min = 0 # y-max = 80000 #view Enqueuer # elements = "numEnqueuerMessages numDequeuerBatches numDequeuerActiveProcessors" #Total Traffic #view Recipients # elements = "totalDeliveredRecipients totalRelayedRecipients totalFailedRecipients totalDelayedRecipients" #view Reports # elements = "totalErrorReports totalWarningReports totalDeliveryReports" # Web Traffic #view Sessions # elements = "webUserSessionsOpen webUserSessionsProcessed webUserSessionsTimeouted" #view Requests # elements = "webUserRequestsProcessed" #view WsspPages # elements = "wsspPagesComposed" #view WebMails # elements = "webMailRead webMailComposed" # TLS Sessions #view Sessions # elements = "numActiveTLSSessions numInactiveTLSSessions numActiveTLSConnections" #view Processed # elements = "processedTLSSessions" # AUTH TRaffic #view AUTHTraff # elements = "successfulAUTHs failedAUTHs rejectedOnFailureAUTHs" # colors color dark-green 009c00 color skyblue 00aaff color bright-red ff2929 color dark-red 9c0000 # Default Graph values graph --default-- width = 700 height = 200 interleaved = false vrule-color = red use-gprint = true # Hosts Active and Waiting graph smtpOutputActiveHosts color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Active Hosts" units = "hosts" legend = "Active Hosts Out" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph smtpOutputWaitingHosts color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Waiting Hosts" units = "hosts" legend = "Waiting Hosts Out" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # The Active and Total input / output SMTP connections graph smtpInputTotal color = orange draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Connections" units = "conn" legend = "Total Input Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE graph smtpInputActive color = dark-green draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Connections" units = "conn" legend = "Active Input Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE graph smtpOutputTotal color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Connections" units = "conn" legend = "Total Output Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE scale = "-1,*" graph smtpOutputActive color = magenta draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Connections" units = "conn" legend = "Active Output Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # SMTP jobs running for input graph smtpInputJobs color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Jobs/Minute" units = "jbs/m" legend = "Jobs Input Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph smtpOutputJobs color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Jobs/Minute" units = "jbs/m" legend = "Jobs Output Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue scale = "-1,*" # SMTP messages sent and received graph smtpInputMessagesReceived color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Messages/Minute" units = "msgs/m" legend = "Messages Received per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph smtpOutputMessagesSent color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Messages/Minute" units = "msgs/m" legend = "Messages Sent per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue scale = "-1,*" # SMTP Message bytes, sent and received graph smtpInputMessageBytesReceived color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes Received per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph smtpOutputMessageBytesSent color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes Sent per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # POP START # POP Retrieve Messages graph popTotalRetrievedMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Messages/Minute" units = "msg/m" legend = "Messages per Minute downloaded" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # POP Retrieve Bytes graph popTotalRetrievedBytes color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes per Minute downloaded" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE # popInputActive popInputTotal graph popInputTotal color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Total POP" units = "tot" legend = "Total POP Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph popInputActive color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Active POP" units = "act" legend = "Active POP Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue # POP END # IMAP START # IMAP Total & Active graph imapInputTotal color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Total Input IMAP" units = "tot" legend = "Total IMAP Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph imapInputActive color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Active Input IMAP" units = "act" legend = "Active IMAP Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue # MAPI Active graph imapMAPIActive color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Active MAPI" units = "act" legend = "Active MAPI Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue # IMAP jobs graph imapInputJobs color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Input Jobs" units = "jbs" legend = "Active IMAP Jobs" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue # IMAP Traffic graph imapTrafficOut color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "bytes / second" units = "b/s" legend = "IMAP Traffic OUT in bytes per second" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph imapTrafficIn color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "bytes / second" units = "b/s" legend = "IMAP Traffic IN in bytes per second" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # IMAP Mailboxes graph imapTotalSelectedMailboxes color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "IMAP selected Mailboxes" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP Selected Mailboxes in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph imapTotalStatusMailboxes color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Status Mailboxes" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP Status Mailboxes in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE # IMAP Downloaded graph imapTotalFetchedMessages color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Fetched Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP fetched messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE # IMAP other folder stats graph imapTotalStoredMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "IMAP Stored Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP stored messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE bytes = TRUE graph imapTotalParsedMessages color = orange draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Parsed Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP parsed messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE bytes = TRUE graph imapTotalAppendedMessages color = red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Appended Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP appended messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE bytes = TRUE graph imapTotalDeletedMessages color = yellow draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Deleted Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP deleted messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE bytes = TRUE graph imapTotalCopiedMessages color = neongrn draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "IMAP Copied Messages" units = "bytes" legend = "IMAP copied messages in bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE bytes = TRUE # IMAP END # Deliver / Queued graph numQueuedMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Queued Messages" units = "msg" legend = "Number of Queued Messages" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # Rest of Message Data graph totalSubmittedMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Submitted Messages" units = "msg" legend = "Number of Submitted Messages" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongren graph totalDeletedMessages color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Deleted Messages" units = "msg" legend = "Number of Deleted Messages" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph totalBadMessages color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Bad Messages" units = "msg" legend = "Number of Bad Messages" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # En/Dequeuer graph numEnqueuerMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Enqueuer Messages" units = "m" legend = "Number of Enqueuer Messages" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph numDequeuerBatches color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Dequeuer Batches" units = "btch" legend = "Number of Dequeuer Batches" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph numDequeuerActiveProcessors color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Dequeuer Active Processors" units = "actv" legend = "Number of Active Dequeuer Processors" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # Delivered Message Data graph totalDeliveredRecipients color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Delivered Recipients" units = "dlv" legend = "Number of Delivered Recipients" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph totalRelayedRecipients color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Relayed Recipients" units = "rlyd" legend = "Number of Relayed Recipients" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph totalFailedRecipients color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Failed Recipients" units = "fld" legend = "Number of Failed Recipients" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red graph totalDelayedRecipients color = orange draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Delayed Recipients" units = "dly" legend = "Number of Delayed Recipients" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = yellow # Reports graph totalErrorReports color = dark-red draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Error Reports" units = "err" legend = "Number of Error Reports" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red graph totalWarningReports color = orange draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Warning Reports" units = "wrn" legend = "Number of Warning Reports" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = yellow graph totalDeliveryReports color = dark-green draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Delivery Reports" units = "dlv" legend = "Number of Delivery Reports" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # LDAP START # Traffic graph ldapTrafficOut color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes LDAP Out Traffic per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph ldapTrafficIn color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes LDAP In Traffic per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # Jobs graph ldapInputJobs color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Jobs" units = "jbs" legend = "Number of Input Jobs" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph ldapInputTotal color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Input Total" units = "ttl" legend = "Number of Total Input" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph ldapInputActive color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Input Active" units = "act" legend = "Number of Input Active" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # LDAP END # TLS START # TLS Sessions / Connections graph numActiveTLSSessions color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Active TLS Sessions" units = "act" legend = "Number of Active TLS Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph numInactiveTLSSessions color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Inactive TLS Sessions" units = "inact" legend = "Number of Inactive TLS Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph numActiveTLSConnections color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Active TLS Connections" units = "conn" legend = "Number of Active TLS Connections" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # Processed TLS Sessions graph processedTLSSessions color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Processed TLS Sessions" units = "act" legend = "Number of Processed TLS Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # TLS END # AUTH START graph successfulAUTHs color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Successful Auths" units = "auth/ok" legend = "Successful Authentications" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph failedAUTHs color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Failed Auths" units = "auth/fld" legend = "Failed Authentications" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red graph rejectedOnFailureAUTHs color = orange draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Rejected Failed Auths" units = "rjct" legend = "Rejected on Failed Authentications" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = yellow # END START # WEB PAGES START graph webUserSessionsProcessed color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Sessions Processed" units = "prc" legend = "Web User Sessions Processed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph webUserSessionsTimeouted color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Sessions Timeouted" units = "to" legend = "Web User Sessions Timeouted" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red graph webUserSessionsOpen color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Sessions Open" units = "open" legend = "Web User Sessions Open" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # Requests Processed graph webUserRequestsProcessed color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Requests Processed" units = "req" legend = "Number of Web User Requests Processed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # WSSP Pages Composed graph wsspPagesComposed color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Pages Composed" units = "pgs" legend = "Number of WSSP Pages Composed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # Web mail graph webMailRead color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Mail Read" units = "r" legend = "Mails Read in Web Interface" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph webMailComposed color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Mail Composed" units = "w" legend = "Mails Composed in Web Interface" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue # WEB PAGES END # LOCAL DELIVERY START graph localDeliveryDeliveredMessages color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Local Delivered" units = "dlv" legend = "Mails Local Delivery Agent and Delivered" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph localDeliveryFailedMessages color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Local Failed" units = "fld" legend = "Mails Local Delivery Agent and Failed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # Local Bytes Delivered graph localDeliveryDeliveredBytes color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes" units = "b" legend = "Local Delivered Bytes" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # Active graph localDeliveryActive color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Active Local" units = "act" legend = "Active Local Delivery" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # LOCAL DELIVERY END # HTTP DATA START # Admin graph httpTotalAdmin color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Admin Total" units = "tot" legend = "Admin Total Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph httpActiveAdmin color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Admin Active" units = "act" legend = "Admin Active Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph httpAdminJobs color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Admin Jobs" units = "jbs" legend = "Admin Total Jobs" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # User graph httpTotalUser color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "User Total" units = "tot" legend = "User Total Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph httpActiveUser color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "User Active" units = "act" legend = "User Active Sessions" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue graph httpUserJobs color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "User Jobs" units = "jbs" legend = "User Total Jobs" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # HTTP Traffic graph httpTrafficOut color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes HTTP Out Traffic per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph httpTrafficIn color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Bytes/Minute" units = "b/m" legend = "Bytes HTTP In Traffic per Minute" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # HTTP Requests graph httpRequestsProcessed color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Requests Processed" units = "req" legend = "HTTP Requests Processed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn # Authentication graph httpAuthSucceeded color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Auth Succeeded" units = "succ" legend = "HTTP Authentication Succeeded" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn graph httpAuthFailed color = dark-red draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Auth Failed" units = "fld" legend = "HTTP Authentication Failed" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = bright-red # Response Bytes graph httpResponseBytes color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Bytes" units = "b" legend = "Bytes HTTP Out Traffic" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = neongrn bytes = TRUE graph httpRequestBytes color = blue draw-as = LINE1 y-axis = "Bytes" units = "b" legend = "Bytes HTTP In Traffic" show-avg-max = TRUE show-max = TRUE draw-max-as = LINE2 max-color = skyblue bytes = TRUE scale = "-1,*" # HTTP DATA END
the servers configuration file which belongs into a subdirectory to the Defaults config file
Target --default-- server = "<ip>" community = "<snmp community string>" directory-desc = "<directory description>" Target SMTP-Data target-type = SMTPTraffic display-name = "SMTP Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "SMTP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>SMTPMessages</b>: Messages Recieved and Sent per Minute<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=smtpInputMessagesReceived,smtpOutputMessagesSent;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>SMTPBytes</b>: Bytes Recieved and Sent per Minute<br><b>SMTPInput</b>: Active and Total Input/Output connections<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=smtpInputActive,smtpInputTotal,smtpOutputTotal,smtpOutputActive;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>SMTPJobs</b>: Running Input/Output Jobs per Minute<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=smtpInputMessageBytesReceived,smtpOutputMessageBytesSent;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>SMTPHosts</b>: Waiting and Active Hosts (Out)<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=smtpOutputWaitingHosts,smtpOutputActiveHosts;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\">" Target POP-Data target-type = POPTraffic display-name = "POP Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "POP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>POPMessages</b>: Messages downloaded per Minute<br><b>POPBytes</b>: Bytes transfered per Minute<br><b>POPJobs</b>: Total and Active POP Sessions<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=popInputTotal,popInputActive;range=151200;rand=754;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\">" Target IMAP-Data target-type = IMAPTraffic display-name = "IMAP Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "IMAP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>IMAPInput</b>: Total and Active IMAP Sessions<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=imapInputTotal,imapInputActive;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>MAPIInput</b>: Active MAPI Sessions<br><b>IMAPJobs</b>: Active IMAP Jobs<br><b>IMAPTraffic</b>: IN/OUT Traffic in bytes per Minute<br><b>IMAPMailboxes</b>: Selected Mailboxes and Sstatus Mailboxes<br><b>IMAPMessages</b>: Stores, Parsed, Appended, Fetched, Deleted and Copied Messages in Bytes<br><b>IMAPDownloaded</b>: Fetched Messages in Bytes" Target HTTP-Data target-type = HTTPTraffic display-name = "HTTP Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "HTTP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>HTTPAdmin</b>: Admin Users who access<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=httpTotalAdmin,httpActiveAdmin;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>HTTPUser</b>: Normal Users Sessions<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=httpTotalUser,httpActiveUser;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>HTTPAdminJobs</b>: Server Processes for Admin Access<br><b>HTTPUserJobs</b>: Server Processes for User Jobs<br><b>HTTPTraffic</b>: Traffic per Minute<br><b>HTTPRequests</b>: Amount of Requests to the Server<br><b>HTTPAuth</b>: Amount of HTTP Authentications<br><b>HTTPData</b>: Data transfered" Target Local-Data target-type = LocalDelivery display-name = "Local Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "Local Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>LocalMessages</b>: Delivered and Failed<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=localDeliveryDeliveredMessages,localDeliveryFailedMessages;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>LocalBytes</b>: Bytes delivered<br><b>LocalActive</b>: Active Local" #Target RPOP-Data # target-type = RPOPTraffic # display-name = "Remote POP Traffic Analyses" # target-short-desc = "Remote POP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" Target LDAP-Data target-type = LDAPTraffic display-name = "LDAP Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "LDAP Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>Traffic</b>: Bytes per Minute<br><b>Jobs</b>: Input running, Total Input and Active Input" Target Messages-Data target-type = MessagesTraffic display-name = "Messages Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>QueuedMessages</b>: Number of currently Queued Messages<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=numQueuedMessages;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>SubmittedMessages</b>: Submitted, Deleted and Bad Messages<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=totalSubmittedMessages,totalDeletedMessages,totalBadMessages;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>Enqueuer</b>: Enqueuer Messages, Dequeuer Batchs and Active Dequeue Processes<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=numEnqueuerMessages,numDequeuerBatches,numDequeuerActiveProcessors;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\">" Target Total-Data target-type = TotalTraffic display-name = "Total Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "Total Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>Recipients</b>: Delivered, Relayed, Failed and Delayed Recipients<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=totalDeliveredRecipients,totalRelayedRecipients,totalFailedRecipients,totalDelayedRecipients;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>Reports</b>: Error, Warning and Deliverey Reports<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=totalErrorReports,totalWarningReports,totalDeliveryReports;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\">" Target Web-Data target-type = WebUserTraffic display-name = "Web User Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "Web USer Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>Session:</b>: Web User Sessions Processed, Timedouted and Open<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=webUserSessionsOpen,webUserSessionsProcessed,webUserSessionsTimeouted;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>Requests</b>: User Requests<br><b>WsspPages</b>: WSSP Pages composed (created)<br><b>WebMails</b>: Read and Composed mails in web interface" Target TLS-Data target-type = TLSTraffic display-name = "TLS Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "TLS Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>Sessions</b>: Active, Inactive TLS Sessions and Active TLS Connections<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=numActiveTLSSessions,numInactiveTLSSessions,numActiveTLSConnections;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\"><br><b>Processed</b>: Number of Processes TLS Sessions" Target AUTH-Data target-type = AUTHTraffic display-name = "AUTH Traffic Analyses" target-short-desc = "AUTH Messages and Bytes, sent & received" short-desc = "<b>AuthTraff</b>: Successful, Failed and Rejected on Failed Authentications<br><img src=\"mini-graph.cgi?type=png;target=%auto-target-path%/%auto-target-name%;dslist=successfulAUTHs,failedAUTHs,rejectedOnFailureAUTHs;range=151200;rand=44;width=300;height=100;use-gprint=0;show-max=0;no-legend=yes\">"